Feb. 26, 2020
Optometry is facing challenges from competitors like online retailers, optical chains and a new consumer mindset. People want their healthcare to be friction-free in the delivery, and personalized to suit their needs. Ian G. Whipple, OD, the owner of Vision Source of Farr West , shares the big ways his practice provides this experience for his patients.
“Disruptive” CL Store. Offer a contact-lens online store in your office through a service like CLX. This service can help remind patients who didn’t purchase a year supply at the time of their visit when it’s time to purchase more contact lenses. It sends them a link to the practice’s store, and the lenses are automatically ordered and shipped to their house.
A New, Disruptive Way of Presenting Contact-Lens Fees. To be more transparent, create a two-minute, or shorter, video that explains exactly what a contact-lens evaluation entails. Patients can watch the video after the tech has done the workup, but before the doctor sees them for their exam.
Disruption Sometimes Just Means Sharpening Your Focus on the Patient. Try removing every phone from the optical floor and reception area. This will allow you to focus exclusively on the patient who is currently in the office.
Ian G. Whipple, OD, is the owner of Vision Source of Farr West in Farr West, Utah. To contact him: iwhipple@gmail.com