Dr. Udesky with his prized Topcon KR-8000 auto-refractor and his Topcon MYAH, a combination optical biometer and a full corneal topographer. Dr. Udesky says instrumentation from Topcon has been a key factor in his practice’s growth and overall success.
Technology that pushes care and profitability to new heights.
By Steven Udesky, OD
Dec. 6, 2023
After more than a decade of experience caring for patients in various professional environments, I decided to embark on the path of establishing my own private practice. My core objectives at the time were straightforward: to deliver exceptional patient care while optimizing the efficiency of my office.
Fortunately, I soon discovered that these goals were well within reach with the help of advanced equipment and technology, which were essential to optimize the performance of the clinic. In particular, the innovative solutions I acquired from Topcon Healthcare have had a positive, enduring influence on both my patients and my practice over the years.
Raising the Standard of Practice with Myopia Management
Practicing myopia management has been nothing short of a reinvigorating experience for me as a clinician over the last year because of the addition of the Topcon MYAH® optical biometer and corneal topographer. Having prescribed treatments like atropine and soft contact lenses for quite some time prior to acquiring this device, I was already committed to approaches to slow down the progression of myopia.
However, my faith in myopia management was further solidified when we acquired the Topcon MYAH because this remarkable tool not only allows us to swiftly and accurately measure axial length, but also provides the concrete evidence I need to demonstrate the success of my myopia control treatment plans to parents.
I firmly believe that early intervention in myopia is crucial in reducing the risk of various eye conditions and long-term complications. In a family-oriented practice like mine, the Topcon MYAH plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of care I can provide to my patients with exceptional monitoring capabilities.
Furthermore, the MYAH is also a valuable asset for diagnosing corneal conditions such as keratoconus. Just recently, a young gentleman visited our clinic with vision loss in one eye and I quickly identified characteristic indications of keratoconus with the MYAH’s corneal analysis functions, enabling a prompt diagnosis. The patient’s parents were concerned about their other children and brought them in for an exam as well.
Fortunately, the MYAH was able to detect undiagnosed and asymptomatic keratoconus in the patient’s sibling and both patients were referred for corneal crosslinking to prevent further progression. This experience only reaffirms my conviction that technology allows me to offer the best possible care, as patients deeply appreciate the rapid resolution of any discomfort and vision concerns.
Elevating the Quality of Care through Technology
Over the years, I have noticed that success can sometimes foster contentment, with practitioners preferring to continue using established equipment and techniques. However, Topcon’s evolving technology innovations continuously motivate me to keep up with the highest level of care and fuel the growth of my practice. In 2018, we adopted the Topcon Maestro, a robotic OCT and color fundus camera, and we have just recently committed to an upgrade to the Maestro2.
My decision to acquire the Maestro was solidified after a brief five-minute demonstration, where I was impressed by its ease of use and its potential to not only facilitate advanced diagnostic testing, but also wellness screenings, with the touch of a button. With the Maestro, I can now quickly and easily detect subtle findings in my patients’ eyes that may have gone unnoticed without a very thorough and extensive examination.
Having access to such advanced technology compels me to strive for excellence. I’m driven to elevate my practice and stand out as a leader in providing the highest standard of care. Patients can see my dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and my ability to diagnose eye health issues more rapidly than practices without this level of technology.
Creating a Valuable Wellness Screening Program
Both the MYAH and Maestro have become integral components of our wellness screening program, which carries an out-of-pocket fee for patients. Remarkably, our patients overwhelmingly recognize the value of these advanced imaging services, with acceptance rates consistently exceeding 75 percent, sometimes even reaching 90 percent in my practice.
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Offering wellness screenings not only directly benefits our patients, but also helps counter the impact of decreasing reimbursements from managed care. The profitability of these screenings, combined with the efficiency they create, enables us to care for more patients each day while maintaining the same rigorous standard of care. My staff is able to collect a wealth of in-depth data from these screenings before the patient even steps into my exam room. The efficiency of Topcon’s technology can’t be beaten – tasks that once consumed time from the staff are now completed within a matter of minutes. Most importantly, these screenings help us easily identify sight-threatening conditions that require immediate treatment and allow us to keep patients under our careful watch for any conditions that require long-term monitoring.
An Industry Partner that Can Transform Your Practice
Topcon consistently delivers advanced, reliable instrumentation that is user-friendly and leaves a lasting impression on patients. My success with the MYAH and Maestro is just the latest in a long-term, highly positive journey with Topcon that began in 2004, with my first purchase of the KR-8000 autorefractor, which is still in use in my practice to this day. Since then, I have also acquired the CV-5000S digital phoropter, which has saved me from substantial shoulder pain by eliminating repetitive motions, as well as the SL-D701 digital slit lamp with anterior segment imaging, which has greatly enhanced how I am able to educate patients in the exam room.
When I consider acquiring new equipment, Topcon is always my first choice. Time and time again, Topcon technology has elevated my patient care and brought my practice to a new level of efficiency and profitability. If you are in the market for a new device, I would strongly recommend that you consider adding Topcon technology to your product portfolio.
Steven Udesky, OD, is the owner of Northbrook Family Eye Care in Northbrook, Ill. To contact him: DrUdesky@