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By Shane M. Galan, OD
April 12, 2023
Multifocal contact lenses can change the lives of both adults with presbyopia and children in need of myopia management. I have a contact lens in my practice that helps both of these groups of patients, and in the process, generates around $75,000 in net profit annually. That transformative contact lens is the NaturalVue ® Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day™ Contact Lens. Here are the details on how this lens is positively impacting both the care I am able to deliver and my practice’s profitability.
Extended Depth of Focus is a Game-Changer for Presbyopes
NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal has an advantage over many other multifocal contact lenses because of its extended-depth-of-focus design. The inner-most portion of the lens is made to facilitate sharp distance vision. Plus power increases in a rapid, smooth and uninterrupted fashion out from the center of the lens, resulting in a thin, elongated EDOF channel that provides a wide range of clear vision, and acuity that is within two letters of best corrected spectacle acuity. Thus, this design makes it easier and more natural for the patient to shift between up close and distance vision. NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal’s design, in other words, best emulates how we naturally see.
Another great thing about NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal for presbyopes is that it offers a wide prescription range. That means we are able to fit both those who are very nearsighted and those who are very farsighted in this lens. We know we can prescribe this lens for nearly anyone challenged by presbyopia, and we will be able to provide exactly the prescription they need.
Creates an Unprecedented Amount of ‘Myopic Defocus’
NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal is indicated for the correction of myopia, therefore, it can address the current vision needs of myopia, and due to its unique design, may help slow peripheral hyperopic defocus.
NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal offers key benefits to children diagnosed with myopia. The lens creates +6 to +8D of relative plus, and the large magnitude of ‘myopic defocus’ spreads out to over + 30 degrees within the eye, thereby decreasing hyperopic defocus and reducing the signal for eye growth.
The optics of the lens are designed to allow the child to have quality distance vision, while the ‘myopic defocus’ decreases the signal for axial elongation and slows the myopia change. I am able to measure axial length, often being able to show parents of children wearing NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal that their child’s axial length change is so minimal, it is within the range of normal emmetropic kids. I then explain that this is an indication that the myopia is being managed, rather than being allowed to get uncontrollably worse.
Offer a Product the Patient Can’t Get Online
This is not a cookie-cutter lens that you can get from a million different online retailers and big-box stores. VTI made a commitment to sell their lens only to private practitioners, and they have kept their word. So, when I prescribe NaturalVue, I know that if the patient doesn’t come back to me, they will have to find another independent provider with a relationship with VTI.
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At least 90 percent of patients who get a prescription from me for NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal purchase the lens from us and return to us into the future for care and to get their prescription renewed.
Good Deal for Both Patients & Practice
As a daily disposable, patients avoid the cost of cleaning solutions, and have the significant advantage of a lens that is fresh every day and requires no more effort than throwing it out after each use. There is a reduction in the risk of infection, in addition to greater comfort, when wearing a daily disposable compared to other modalities.
When patients buy a year’s supply, we offer a 10 percent discount, along with manufacturer rebates. We buy a large bank of products from VTI and are able to attain a volume-based discount. This makes it easier for us to pass along savings to the patient, and easier for us to grow profitability.
It’s a quality product that they learn they can only get a prescription for, and purchase, from a quality eyecare provider. This sends a message to patients about the value of your professional services and the unique care they can get from your practice.
Dr. Galan is a paid consultant for Visioneering Technologies, Inc.
Shane M. Galan, OD, is the owner of Diamond Vision in Rockville Centre, N.Y. To contact him: iguy1234@optonline.net