March 18, 2020
Medical eyecare is a needed service that can help build revenues, offsetting the competition for product sales from online retailers. But you have to get the word out about what you do. Aaron Neufeld, OD, FAAO, shares how his practice is doing it.
Internal & External Marketing for as Little as $500 Annually. Internal marketing efforts can include brochures and slide shows detailing services in the reception area, as well as word-of-mouth education from doctors and staff. The reception area can include an electronic “picture frame,” or small screen on a table, with a slide show on your advanced technology. External medical eyecare marketing can include Facebook/Instagram boosts, Google Adwords and brochures sent by postal mail.
Market Online: Social Media & Doctor Directories. Maintain a practice blog, which you update at least monthly, posting a link to a new post on your practice Facebook page each time it is published. Another way to reach new and current patients: Some vendors you work with will place you in their online provider directories at no additional cost.
Talk to Patients About Your Medical Eyecare. Discuss medical eyecare with each of your patients. When booking appointments, or talking about their current appointment, you and your staff shouldn’t just note the opportunity to get a contact-lens prescription renewal and glasses, but the screening for eye disease that the patient will receive.
Aaron Neufeld, OD, FAAO, is the owner of Los Altos Optometric Group in Los Altos, Calif., and co-founder of ODs on Finance. To contact: