Health & Wellness

The Supplement & MPOD Measurement Program that Delivered $30K in Profit

Dr. Kling proudly displays EyePromise in the lobby of his practice in San Diego, Calif. Dr. Kling says these supplements align well with his practice's focus on preventative eyecare.

Dr. Kling proudly displays EyePromise in the lobby of his practice in San Diego, Calif. Dr. Kling says these supplements align well with his practice’s focus on preventative eyecare.

A vision management system that aids patients and practice profitability.

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By Mick Kling, OD

May 8, 2024

It’s often said that what’s good for the patient is good for the practice. That is especially true in the case of supplements that can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and maybe even prevent it in the first place.

In addition to lessening AMD risk and progression, we wanted to offer patients the benefit of supplements that would aid general health and wellness and visual performance while cutting down on potential harm from blue light and screen time, along with helping to protect their eyes from dry eye and diabetic retinopathy.

Here are the details on the Macular Pigment Optical Density (MPOD) measurement system and supplements from EyePromise® that are benefiting our patients’ eye health in all the ways we wanted while helping us to become more profitable.

Safeguard Lifelong Vision

We began prescribing EyePromise about five years ago. Our goal was, and has always been, to provide our patients with the opportunity for healthy lifelong vision.

The science was becoming clear on the benefits of ocular-based supplementation. With the addition of the Zea Performance System™,  including the Zx Pro™, EyePromise’s MPOD device, and the Auto Refill Program (ARP), we got a turnkey supplement program that delivered immediate success.

MPOD is a measure of the density of macular pigment in the fovea. High levels of macular pigment protect the eyes from blue light, potentially reducing the risk of AMD. Having a convenient and reliable way to take MPOD measurements and track patient progress over time makes a huge difference to our patient care and the patient education we are able to provide.

Impressive Profitability

I see supplement revenue as incremental to our business, in addition to the other products and services we offer allowing us to enjoy the rewards with little-to-no risk. I would estimate that we have made well over $30,000 in profit since we began working with EyePromise. The ARP platform allows us to prescribe the products without the need to invest in an extensive inventory. EyePromise then shares a portion of the profits for all the products that are purchased by our patients, including online and through ARP purchases.

Although we do maintain a small inventory, it’s possible a practice could be successful with no capital outlay. We simply enjoy the profits from the products that we prescribe. The products range in price, but are usually around $40 per month, or a little more than a dollar a day for patients. We explain the benefits based specifically on what we are prescribing it for.

For instance, for our dry eye patients, we prescribe EZ Tears™, a fish oil formula which provides dry eye relief. This supplement contains high-quality TG omega-3s and seven additional anti-inflammatory ingredients and is supported by a 30-day, money-back satisfaction guarantee for patients. Our AMD patients receive the AREDS II-based formulas (Macular Health and Macular Health Complete), or Restore, which is indicated for those currently without AMD, but who have a higher risk of developing it.

For anyone, 30 years and older, with known disease (dry eyes, AMD, diabetes, etc.), we screen them with the Zx Pro MPOD device. Depending on their results, this is a great conversation starter about their ocular health from a nutritional standpoint.

Make It Easy for Patients to Get Started

We have a minimal inventory of what we call “starter” products. This allows the patient to walk out of the office with their first month’s supply. Our team then signs them up for the ARP for continued delivery of the product directly to their home. This prevents them from needing to return to our office to reorder and makes it easier for the patient to remain compliant with their prescription.

Our staff underwent training to learn the ARP platform, but it is a simple process. The EyePromise team have been amazing with their in-office training. It really helped jump-start the system in our practice.

For example, EyePromise delivered training to us on Zx Pro use, providing sample scripts which our team could use with patients. The training even drilled down on skills for speaking to patients about the specific supplement formulas they might be prescribed.

What I like most is the quality of the products and the great team behind EyePromise. I have gotten to know some of them over the years, and they all share a passion for helping our patients and our practice. It’s been a great partnership.

Being on the forefront of ocular nutrition is important to us. We want to provide our patients with the latest in both technology and education, and this includes nutritional education and the impact of diet and supplementation on eye health.

MMick Kling, ODick Kling, OD, is the president of Impact Leadership and the founder and CEO of Invision Optometry in San Diego, Calif. Dr. Kling is also the Practice Management and Transition Advisor for Vision Source. To contact him:



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