Changing how you communicate with contact lens patients.
Insights into your patients' frame preferences.
Insights into growing impact of screen time.
New information on how well Americans are maintaining their health.
The changing views on healthcare of younger Americans.
Why patients don't access healthcare as much as they should.
New survey findings shed light children's eyecare needs.
New insights on how much patients trust AI.
Survey findings that could help you sell more sunwear.
What your patients need to know about cataract surgery.
New information on how different generations interact with your practice.
Expanded data on how to make more dual wears of glasses & CLs.
New findings on how patients use vision plans in ECP offices.
Making more patients both regular CL & glasses wearers.
The factors that will decide if patients choose you.
How healthcare price transparency impacts likelihood of seeking care.
Your patients' digital device use & needs.
How easy is it for patients to communicate with you?
What your patients still may not know about sunglasses.
Insights into what your patients most value about their vision.
Your patients' top work-related visual challenges.
Insight into why consumers come to your door.
Guide with tips on creating a future-focused practice.
New findings on the impact of contact lenses on your patients' lives.
An upcoming virtual event to guide your practice leadership.
Insights into how your patients shop & decide to purchase.
Sponsored Content >>Click HERE, or the image above, to download “How Consumers Do Additional Research on Treatments, Products & Providers>> Patients, who...