Making contacts lenses a patient-pleasing profit center.
An essential industry partner for a growing practice.
Tips for capturing more sales of contact lenses.
Keys to capturing contact-lens sales.
A solution that speeds for your staff & boosts the patient experience.
A practice-changing technology.
Providing best care for CL patients while growing profitability.
How to calculate for improvement your key capture rates.
By ROB Editors Jan. 18, 2023 The contact lens area of independent practices can be challenging, with practices competing against online retailers,...
How to sell more contact lenses & increase annual supply sales.
Keeping CL patients in their lenses & capturing sales.
A new way to capture online contact lens sales.
An easy way to give patients the online CL shopping they want.
What you may be overlooking in growing CL capture rate.
How to beat stiff competition & win contact lens sales.