Ophthalmic Lenses

  • 3.3K

    In-House Lens Fabrication: Your Practice Differentiator

    Raymond J. Brill, OD, MBA, FAAO, FOAAAn in-house lens fabrication system produces fast, high-quality lenses for patients with minimum staff skill or...

  • 4.1K

    In-House Lens Fabrication = Fast, Cost-Efficient Service

    By Kenneth M. Daniels, OD, FAAOAcquiring an in-house lens casting system that is easy to use and affordable can provide patients with...

  • 2.9K

    Personalized Lenses: Patients “See the Difference” with a New App

    By Thomas Gosling, ODMatch your personalized lens education to your patients' expectations and needs. Doing so will remove cost concerns as an...

  • 5.6K

    Ask Patients Detailed Lifestyle Questions…Then Select Best Lens Options

    By Stuart J. Thomas, OD, and Ellen Byrun-Goad, LDOYour success in providing patients with the ideal spectacle lenses—and second-pair sales--depends on your understanding...

  • 4.7K

    Prescribe Spectacle Lenses by Lifestyle

    By Elaine Happ, ODMatch each patient’s eyewear recommendation to their individual needs. Then use new measuring technology to provide a higher level...

  • 3.7K

    Protect Patients from Eye Strain with Glare-Free Reading Eyewear

    By Eric M. White, ODHelp patients to protect their eyes when reading in the sun and from computer strain. By prescribing anti-reflective...

  • 6.8K

    Personalized Lenses: A Measurement System Makes It Work

    By Scot Morris, ODInstalling a measurement system is essential to making personalized ophthalmic lenses work in your practice. It greatly improves accuracy...

  • 4.5K

    Gain a Competitive Advantage: Multiple Ophthalmic Lens Edgers

    By Oliver Lou, OD, Having multiple ophthalmic lens edgers in house gives you an "edge" over competing optical retailers. You capture major...

  • 3.3K

    Success with Personalized Lenses Requires Patient Education

    By Rajeev Raghu, OD, FAAOOffering personalized lenses is a premium option that can set you apart from competing practices and online optical...

  • 3.9K

    Spotlight Personalized Lenses with a Lens Education Center

    By Jeffrey Rohlf, LDOCreate a lens education center where you can walk patients through the personalized lens measurement process and demonstrate the...

  • 2.7K

    Offer Personalized Lenses as a Practice Differentiator

    By Russ TolarReinforcing the message from doctor to optical staff--and involving the patient--improves the chances that the patient will end up with...

  • 3.4K

    Treat Computer Vision Syndrome with the Right Ophthalmic Lenses

     By Nathan Bonilla-Warford, ODProviding ophthalmic lenses to patients challenged by computer vision syndrome will enhance the vision of patients while expanding the...

  • 4.5K

    Pediatric Lenses: Encourage Parents to Buy Best Possible Lenses for Children

     By Katie WolfordBy prioritizing the health and comfort of children's eyes, your practice can work with parents to help them provide children...

  • 5.0K

    The Optometrist to Dispensary Hand-Off: An Open Dialogue Can Improve the Outcome

    By Mark HintonReinforcing the message from doctor to optical staff--and involving the patient--improves the chances that the patient will end up with...

  • 4.4K

    Prescribing From the Chair

    By Mark Wright, OD, FCOVDWhen optometrists treat an eye infection, they prescribe a pharmaceutical agent by brand name: “We are going to...

  • 4.7K

    Polarized Rx Sunwear = Prime Revenue Opportunity

    By ROB EditorsOffering your patients ready-made lens packages simplifies the often confusing lens presentation process. In the past, lens presentation involved presenting add-ons,...

  • 4.3K

    Presenting Ophthalmic Lens Features: Sell Total Lens Packages

    By ROB EditorsOffering your patients ready-made lens packages simplifies the often confusing lens presentation process. In the past, lens presentation involved presenting add-ons,...

  • 3.0K

    Seal the Sale: Bundle in the Exam Room

    By Mark HintonUse your authority as doctor to prescribe multi-treatment lenses to patients while they are in your exam chair. Your recommendation...

  • 2.9K

    Reduce Remakes by Listening to Patients–and Training Staff to Troubleshoot Problems

    By Anne-Marie Lahr, ODRemakes can sink you. But you can reduce your remake rate by learning to better listen to your patients --and...

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