How Many Offices You Co-Manage With Have Achieved Meaningful Use?
By Carole Burns, OD, FCOVD, and Mark Wright, OD, FCOVDSept. 23, 2015Over half of the health care offices you co-manage with have...
The Optometric Minute
Most Viewed Videos of 2014
In 2014, ROB featured videos providing insight from fellow optometrists on subjects ranging from staff management, to enhancement of the medical model,...
The Optometric Minute
Meaningful Use: Implement Stages 1-3
Scott A. Jens, OD, FAAO, CEO of Revolution EHR, encourages ODs to embrace implementation of Meaningful Use (MU), Stages 1-3, as each...
News Briefs Archive
Uprise Cloud-Based EHR Receives Meaningful Use Stage 2 Certification
VisionWeb, a provider of technology solutions in the eyecare industry, announced that Uprise, its cloud-based practice management and EHR solution, has received...