A numbers-based look at the future of independent optometry.
Numbers-based look at the future of independent optometry.
How is your retirement planning going?
A glimpse into the future of the profession.
Aligning with an eyecare organization that will allow you to continue practicing in an innovative way.
Guide with tips on creating a future-focused practice.
How ODs can optimize major trends impacting the optical industry.
The many reasons to no longer delay offering myopia management.
By Paul Levine, OD, FIAOMC, FAAO Oct. 30, 2019 As the myopia epidemic continues to afflict billions of people across the globe,...
A look at growth potential in myopia management.
Changes on the horizon for optometry.
Tips to optimize coming opportunities.
Tips for optimizing telehealth in your practice.
Tips to help you prepare to grow medical eyecare.
Key ways your practice could soon grow.
Key points from an important presentation at Optometry's Meeting.
A couple key changes to make to your practice.
Tips for safely & effectively using telehealth.
Find out what's in store for your practice & how best to prepare.
First in a four-part series By Mark Wright, OD, FCOVD Review of Optometric Business Professional Editor Nov. 29, 2017 What does the...