Contact Lenses

The Multifocal CL that is Helping Me Build My Practice

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By Jeffrey G. Jeruss, OD, FIAOMC

Nov. 13, 2019

The aging of our population, and seniors who are more active than previous generations, add up to a group of patients who could benefit from multifocal contact lenses. Fortunately, I have discovered a multifocal lens, NaturalVue® Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses, that makes both me and my patients happy, resulting in a strong practice-builder.

A Dependable Multifocal Contact Lens
NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses often save the day in my practice. Recently, a patient, whom I had fit previously in a monthly multifocal, came in complaining that his far and near vision had become blurry, but immediately improved with each eye if he turned his head inward.

Using the slit lamp, I observed each lens was de-centered temporally, which is expected due to our corneas being slightly asymmetrically skewed temporally. Then I observed each lens become better centered as he turned his head inward and the patient’s upper lids pushed the lenses nasally. Lens de-centration is not usually a problem with single-vision lenses, but it is a “fit killer” with multifocals.

I had often noticed that NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses tend to fit a little more snugly and center better than other lenses, so I tried a pair on him. We didn’t even have to wait the usual 20 minutes for the lenses to settle…he immediately said how much better his vision was! Sure enough, they were centering beautifully!

First-Choice Contact Lens for Presbyopic Patients
With such dependability, NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses are our first choice for presbyopic patients because of the sharper far vision that patients report compared to other multifocal soft lenses they’ve tried.

Also, because adding minus (-) power to improve the far vision is sometimes needed with this or any other multifocal, the huge advantage to the NaturalVue is that we can add minus (-) power without worsening the near vision.

Fitting the NaturalVue is much easier as a result. What’s more, fitting NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses is still way less time consuming than other brands where we are constantly dealing with the complications of our troubleshooting actions that improve the far vision while worsening the near, and vice versa.

Huge Revenue-Generation Potential
I can say without hesitation that the revenue-generation potential of NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses is huge. Have you ever heard of the Baby Boomers? We’re everywhere, and we want to stay healthy, vibrant and young looking as long as possible.

Being able to see far and near without glasses is a huge unfulfilled need at present mainly because most doctors don’t even want to offer this option, given the past difficult experiences most of us have had trying to fit older multifocal designs.

A Contact Lens That Eases & Encourages the Transition into Multifocals
If we were to ask each of our patients if there are any things in their life that might be easier or better if they wore contacts instead of glasses, every single one of them would say “yes.”

There are usually many occasions where patients could benefit from contact lenses like going out to eat or socialize, playing a sport, going to the gym, hiking, boating or participating in another outdoor activity. The problem is that we forget to ask.

Patients love to hear us describe the latest technology we have available, whether it’s eye-testing equipment, contact lenses, eyeglass frames or ophthalmic-lens materials. When we offer this new daily disposable multifocal contact lens that they can use conveniently and affordably for their once or twice a week golf game or tennis match, they often jump at the chance!

Jeffrey G. Jeruss, OD, FIAOMC, is the owner of Eye to Eye Vision Center in Marietta, Ga. To contact him:


Disclaimer: Dr. Jeruss is a member of Visioneering Technologies, Inc. Speakers Bureau






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