Support for practices & communities impacted by wildfires.
Hurricane recovery update and details on how to help.
Optometry vision benefit managers abuses
New help for ODs seeking the right office space.
The positive impact you're making on patients.
Latest developments on a key state law.
Recap of an important day for professional advocacy for ODs.
State legislation that could improve OD reimbursement.
New legislation that could negatively impact OD patients.
Bringing expanding families into your practice.
ODs share feelings about impact of vision plans.
One trait, more than any other, that leads to success in business, including practice leadership. By Laurie Sorrenson, OD, FAAO Oct. 18,...
An event for the eyecare industry to collaborate to find ways to improve patient care and outcomes. August 30, 2023 The New...
By Margery Weinstein Editor-in-Chief Review of Optometric Business Feb. 1, 2023 In October 2022, Visibly, previously known only as Opternative, appointed Taylor...
Finding a practice partner that ensures a high level of care.
Actions you can take to make success as an independent more likely.
Keeping your data safe at a critical time.
The enormous impact of strategic cost-cutting.
By Mark Wright, OD, FCOVD, and Carole Burns, OD, FCOVD June 2, 2021 The American Optometric Association-backed Dental and Optometric Care (DOC)...
By John Sailer Editor-in-Chief Jobson Medical Information April 7, 2021 A new special report highlighting how telemedicine has been implemented in optometry...
Eyewear that protects patients from injury & generates revenues.
Smart steps to take to secure your patient data.
Ideas for attracting families with children to your practice.
By David Cockrell, OD: Practicing full-scope optometry benefits patients by providing much-needed care and benefits doctors by providing professional fulfillment and practice...
Health insurance decisions for you and your employees.
Why & how one OD is retaining his staff during the crisis.
Help from the AOA in the COVID-19 crisis.