The Optometric Minute

Simple Ways to Deliver Great Value to Patients

June 7, 2017

Eric M. White, OD, believes that building value with patients depends on doing little things right. He e-mails a personalized thank you to patients following comprehensive exams, maintains a hospitable office environment, and provides patients with his personal cell number, so they can reach him after hours. Show patients that you appreciate them, and will go out of your way to serve their needs.



OFFER A COMFORTABLE OFFICE ENVIRONMENT. When patients come in, offer a refreshment like coffee, hot chocolate or water, and make sure they are comfortable while they wait for their appointment to begin.

TAKE TIME TO CHAT. Ask patients how they’re doing in general before asking about how their eyes feel. The more you get to know your patients the better you understand their eye health and vision needs.

PRESCRIBE FROM THE EXAM ROOM. Prescribe specific lens features and brands from the exam room, so patients know you have listened to them and understand their needs.

MAINTAIN A FRIENDLY, NO-PRESSURE OPTICAL. When you communicate the patient’s need to the optical, keep the mood light and friendly, rather than delivering a hard sell.

BE REACHABLE. Provide patients with a phone number they can use to contact you after-hours. If an existing patient has eye discomfort, ask them to take a selfie and text the image to you. Patients will appreciate the access to your expertise and availability.


Eric M. White, OD, owns Complete Family Vision Care Optometry  in San Diego, Calif. Contact him:








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