By Kristi Yatsko,
Office Manager
Eyecare of the Valley
Philadelphia, Penn., Metro Area
Dec. 13, 2017
Effective recall is essential to any practice—ensuring that patients return for your care and prescriptions. Our practice experienced a major boost in recall after we started using Prime Nexus℠, an intuitive patient relationship management system that sends text messages and e-mails, and makes automated phone calls to your patients reminding them they are due for an exam.
To increase the likelihood that patients will return to your practice for their next appointment, you can set Prime Nexus℠ to automatically send text messages or e-mails thanking patients for their recent visit and requesting their feedback via a patient satisfaction survey. To help spread the word of patients’ positive experiences, the system can invite happy patients to post reviews on Yelp, Google and other popular review sites. Prime Nexus℠ makes it all so easy and expedient.
Reduce Staff Time Spent on the Phone
Prior to implementing Prime Nexus℠, our staff used to make all patient reminder phone calls manually. We found that most patients didn’t answer their phones, nor listen to the voicemails we left for them. Often, we found ourselves playing phone tag and trying to figure out who on our staff left the most recent message for the patient.
Prime Nexus℠ saves our three-location practice an estimated 40 hours of staff time per week. This is time we used to devote to making phone calls to remind patients of appointments or let them know their glasses or contacts were ready for pickup.
Now we have more time to verify insurance information prior to the appointment, which has led to a faster patient check-in process. We also have additional time to stay current with other administrative tasks, such as filing and scanning. The result is our practice is running more efficiently.
Realize Efficiencies from Seamless Integration with Your Practice Management System
One of the greatest advantages of Prime Nexus℠ is its seamless integration. The system syncs with our practice management system, OfficeMate, to capture information about which patients are due for or have upcoming appointments. Prime Nexus℠ then automatically e-mails, texts or calls those patients.
If I open an appointment that has been confirmed, I see a note indicating whether the appointment was confirmed via voice, e-mail or text. This information reassures our staff that the patient knows they have an appointment with us and plans to keep it.
Make Your Office Millennial-Friendly
U.S. consumers now spend an average of five hours a day on mobile devices. It’s no surprise that 90 percent of text messages are read within three minutes. When a practice can communicate with patients on their terms, it’s a great advantage. Not only are we reaching patients in a way they prefer, but we are giving them the ability to make an appointment any time of day.
Quickly Fill Cancelled Exam Slots
It used to be that last-minute cancellations required our staff to call patient after patient, until someone was found to fill the open slot. But now, with OpenSeat from Prime Nexus℠, texts and e-mails are sent within moments to patients waiting for an appointment. We then give the open slot to the first person to respond. It’s easy for patients and ensures we fill any gaps in our schedule, thereby maximizing our revenue.
Stay Top of Mind Between Office Visits
Prime Nexus℠ can also boost a practice’s marketing capabilities. From time to time, we use the technology to send messages to our patients about upcoming sales and to remind them to use any remaining flex-spending account dollars before the end of the year.
Prime Nexus℠ is an excellent tool that helps our practice communicate all our marketing messages. With today’s constantly-connected patients, it’s important to keep our practice top of mind throughout the year, not just when patients are due for their exams. Prime Nexus℠ helps us accomplish this—easily and efficiently.
Kristi Yatsko is the office manager of Eyecare of the Valley, a three-location practice in the Philadelphia, Penn., metropolitan area. To contact: