The Optometric Minute

“ODs Can Sell”

June 5, 2019

“A good OD can un-sell any patient,” goes the old joke. But, in fact, ODs hold the power to prescribe visual solutions that their patients want and gladly will pay for. The key is to change the traditional OD mindset. Here are strategies and patient presentations to help you improve the lives of your patients and your practice’s profitability.

COMMUNICATE VALUE. Tell and show patients how a product or treatment that is recommended will benefit them. Focus on the positive outcomes that will result from taking the doctor’s prescription seriously.

PUT INTO CONTEXT. Paint a picture for patients of what the future will look like if the treatment plan is followed versus what it will look like if if the treatment plan isn’t followed.

TRAIN ON OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS. Train doctors and staff on how to unearth patients’ concerns that lead them to saying no, and then rehearse the best responses.

SIMPLIFY DECISION-MAKING PROCESS. Give patients just the few best two or three choices in products, rather than overwhelming them with many choices. Use your expertise to streamline the process so saying “yes” becomes easier.


Steve Vargo, OD, MBA, is an IDOC practice management consultant. To contact him:

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