Tips on finding & hiring the best people.
Self-assessment on the kind of boss you are & how to improve.
Tips for matching job role with staff member.
By Steve Sunder March 13, 2019 Your support staff members often are motivated on their own to help patients, but offering monthly...
Key conversations to have with potential new employees.
Leadership lessons to create a more effective team.
What a ballet company can teach a hotel--or practice.
One practice's formula for topnotch delegation.
A system for making great patient care & service more likely.
The wonders team-building can work on your practice.
Money is just one way to motivate. Here are many other ways to incentivize.
Important role wellness can play in practice success.
Here's what's OK--and not--to require of employees' appearance.
Keys to making your part-time employees feel valued--so they stick with you.
Steps to protect your employees & practice.
Strategies to profitably add a new associate OD.
How NOT to let staff repel patients on the phone.
A strategy for determining when you should add employees.
Tips for more powerful staff meetings.
Tips for creating a staff that's ready to better serve patients.
Find out how well your staff is doing for your patients & practice.
Why to give staff feedback on an ongoing basis.
What you need to know about creating & using KPIs.
By Tami Hagemeyer, ABOC, FNAO May 23, 2018 There is a collective practice personality you and your staff communicate to patients. Here’s...
How to pull off an effective planning session with staff.
Investing in new employees pays off.
Materials to help you better train your staff.