The Optometric Minute

Avoiding the Practice Leadership Void

April 24, 2019

Steve Vargo, OD, of IDOC, advises that practices lacking strong, well-thought-out leadership will fall prey to default leadership that doesn’t meet the practice owner’s goals. Here’s how to avoid that fate, and lead your practice exactly where you want it to go. An in-depth ROB discussion with Mark Wright, OD, FCOVD, ROB Professional Editor.

PROACTIVELY CHOOSE LEADER. Make a thoughtful decision about who should lead the practice, whether that’s you or a trusted employee. If you don’t deliberately choose, whichever employee is the most vocal–not necessarily the most competent–will become the leader.

DELEGATE TO CHOSEN LEADER. The doctor misses a lot since they are often in the exam room all day. Entrust the leader you choose to handle a wide swath of decision-making.

TRAIN LEADER. Be careful not to promote someone to failure by asking them to take on a leadership role without preparing them first, and giving them the needed support initially.

“Eye on Leadership” by Steve Vargo, OD


Steve Vargo, OD, is Optometric Practice Consultant at IDOC. Contact:



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